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This is the companion volume of Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window. Once we have the pure mind like Totto-Chan, we can knock on the door to the Fantasy Kingdom at any time. From the little girl at the window to the one in the Fantasy Kingdom, let's follow Totto-Chan to take on the wonderful journey of growth. Those who always have a childlike innocence can live a wonderful life. No matter where we are, Totto-Chan sorrows, laughs and seeks happiness with us at any time.

sku: 9787544285834
Author: (日)黑柳彻子 Kuroyanagi, Tetsuko
Publication Date: 01-Jan-17
Publisher: 南海出版公司
Age: 10-14 years

《奇想国的小豆豆》是《窗边的小豆豆》的姊妹篇,只要拥有像小豆豆一般纯真的心灵,无论何时都能叩响通往奇想国的大门。从当年的窗边走向如今的奇想国,我们跟随小豆豆,踏上精彩的成长之旅。 长大后的小豆豆依然对世界充满了好奇。为了看焰火,她不知多少次跌进河里。在她眼里,圆滚滚的足球就是熊猫玩偶。但走得越远,她的疑问就越多:拥有那么多钻石的国家为何却是贫困不堪的国度?阿富汗的天空中为何没有风筝飞舞?索马里的街上为何听不见孩子的笑声?

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