万圣节派对 Bizzy Bear: Spooky House

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Introducing Bizzy Bear, the busiest bear on the block! With chunky sliders to push and pull, these robust little board books are perfect for active toddlers. Rich in visual detail and with touches of humor, they are set to become firm favorites in the family library. The ever-intrepid Bizzy Bear has come for a visit to a super-spooky Halloween house. As he climbs the rickety stairs and walks the cobwebby corridors, all sorts of creepy characters appear from doors and hidey holes. But where could he be going and what will he find there?

sku: 9787508684888
Author: (英)本吉·戴维斯 Davies, Benji
Publication Date: 1/10/2018
Publisher: 中信出版社
Series: Bizzy Bear 小熊很忙系列.第4辑
Age: 0-3 years


文字也是本书的一大特色,在亲子阅读的时候,可以哼唱朗朗上口的中英歌谣,培养孩子早期的阅读兴趣,为爱上阅读打下良好基础。 0~3岁孩子的自主能力在逐渐增强,从认物的阶段发展到理解情节简单的故事,这套厚纸板游戏书可以让阅读充满惊喜和乐趣,让孩子从“玩”中去探索世界。

《万圣节派对》 在本册中,忙碌的小熊要开始参加惊险又有趣的万圣节派对啦!推一推,屋顶有什么,吓了小熊一大跳!转一转,什么东西在飞翔呢?拉一拉,门后隐藏着什么呢?终于,派对时间到啦,大家一起欢乐地玩耍!你参加过万圣节派对吗?快来跟小熊一起Happy吧! 当孩子自己动手发现无限惊喜的时候,会深深爱上这套书,动脑又动手,激发宝宝主动探索,小脑袋越玩越聪明!

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