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A series of books designed for children 3-6 years old which focuses on improving their core learning abilities as well as stimulating their passion and appreciation for Chinese culture and the Chinese language. The series of books includes stories, proses, poetries, and general knowledge.

sku: 9787565131097
Author: 周兢 张杏如 主编
Publication Date: 01/11/2017
Publisher: 南京师范大学出版社
Series: 幸福的种子(普及版)
Age: 3-6 years

这是一套专为3一6岁幼儿设计的优质图画书资源,涵盖故事、散文、诗歌、知识四种不同类型。分册包括:花找花/猫咪洗澡/老鼠偷吃我的糖/多多什么都爱吃 /依依的睡衣/张开大嘴打哈欠/小黑捉迷藏/海豚/四季好蔬菜。