儿歌新唱计划 : 我们的儿歌画故事3 (附USB) The Nursery Rhymes Project 3 - Paint Our Songs Media 1 of 1 9789811839399 | Singapore Chinese Books | Maha Yu Yi Pte Ltd

儿歌新唱计划3 : 我们的儿歌画故事 (附USB) The Nursery Rhymes Project 3 - Paint Our Songs

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The “Sing Our Songs 3” album features 12 songs. This book is beautifully illustrated by local illustrator Lee Kow Fong aka Ah Guo.

sku: 9789811839399
Author: 实践剧场 / 阿果 (Ah Guo)插画 The Theatre Practice / illustrated by Ah Guo
Publication Date: 5/9/2022 
Publisher: 实践剧场
Series: 儿歌新唱计划 Paint our Songs
Age: 4-6 years



Song List / 曲目
1. 小兔子乖乖
2. 外婆的澎湖湾
3. 踢毽子
4. 自己跌倒自己爬
5. 外婆桥 + 排排坐
6. 纸飞机
7. 骆驼
8. 我家在哪里
9. 泼水歌
10. 拔萝卜
11. 鲁冰花
12. 点线加圆圈

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