有呀有呀书店 The I Wonder Bookstore

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A delightful bestseller when first published in Japan, this charming illustrated book takes readers inside the magical realm of books, libraries, and bookstores. At The I Wonder Bookstore, customers come in and ask the owner countless variations on its namesake question ("I wonder if you have any books about...") and he is happy to fill their requests in enchanting ways. In these pages readers will discover books that grow on trees, books designed to be read by two (or more) people at once, books that can only be read by moonlight, bookstore weddings, an underwater library, a boot camp for charismatic bookstore attendants, and many more wonders that celebrate the transporting magic of reading in a timeless and irresistible way.

sku: 9787508688350
Author:  (日吉竹伸介 Yoshitake, Shinsuke
Publication Date: 08/01/2018
Publisher: 中信出版社
Age: 7-9 years

小镇的街道上,一个不起眼的角落里,有一家“有呀有呀书店”,这里专卖“和书有关的书”,每天都有慕名而来的客人,到这里寻找稀奇古怪的书。 只能在月光下读的书、可以孕育书的“作家树”、可以改变封面风格的变身机器、藏在墓碑中的书架、会下“书雨”的村庄……无论是老人记忆中的书,还是孩子幻想出来的书,只要向店长描述,他就会一边说着“有呀有呀”,一边把书拿到你的面前。 这里不仅售卖书,也隐藏着书的秘密,寄托着人们对书的爱。就像是爱书人的“深夜食堂”,讲述着日常生活中的奇迹,疗愈着都市人的心灵。正如书依靠人们的幻想而生,人们又依赖书的幻想而活。