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This series is designed to familiarise readers with mid-length to full-length novels. The novels have their own respective themes and unique storylines, with the addition of colourful illustrations, enabling readers to develop a sustained interest in reading.

sku: 9789672088639
Author: (马)谢智慧 Xie Zhihui
Publication Date: 24/7/2019
Publisher: 红蜻蜓出版有限公司
Series: Odonata Illustrated Novels 红蜻蜓绘图小说.34
Age: 10 & above

我有个妹妹,她的臂力惊人,力大无穷,无人能敌,是个不折不扣的大力士。 我和妹妹的性格有天壤之别,关系不太和睦。但是,我心里还是很在乎她的。为了讨她的欢心,我决定参加学校举办的“造型设计大赛”,想赢取奖品然后转送给她。 要是想参加这场比赛,我得先找到模特儿。可是,我一直都找不到合适的人选。在走投无路之下,我只好鼓起勇气,作了一个艰难的决定……

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