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If you have a choice, what kind of school would you like to go to? A school where you have to walk through a waterfall to enter? A school where birds live in the shoe rack? A school which has a transparent study table? A school with interesting teachers like a Ninja teacher or a Magician? Let your imagination run wild in this picture book!

sku: 9787221168269
Author: (日) 铃木典丈 Suzuki, Noritake
Publication Date: 01/10/2021
Publisher: 贵州人民出版社
Series: 蒲公英童书馆
Age: 4-6 years

上学原来是件超好玩的事儿! 哦,是吗?那么无聊的事儿有什么好玩儿的呢? 当然喽,天天去同一个学校,就不能偶尔换个不一样的吗?比如说门口有一道瀑布的瀑布学校,这样就可以天天打伞啦;比如说替身书桌,这样就可以不用做作业了。还有神奇的透明书桌、飞天椅子、章鱼椅子……咦?学生正在给校长上课,可校长突然不见了,这该怎么办? 想象力无敌,开心到爆,还有神秘大追踪,视觉大发现!快来一起进入神奇的学校世界,做个超有趣的白日梦吧!

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