家事法(二):浅谈遗产与私人财产信托法 中英对照(附双语法律词汇)Law on Estate and Private Trust In a Nutshell

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Singapore started as an immigrant society. The early settlers of Singapore came from China, Southern Asia, South-East Asia, and some from Europe. Under the colonial government before 1955, matters of family law and succession law were largely left to the different races applying their cultural and customary practices, until the enactment of the Christian Marriage Ordinance (Cap. 37, 1955) and the Civil Marriage Ordinance (Cap. 38, 1955). Since independence, Singapore has retained the Wills Act of 1838, and enacted the Intestate Succession Act 1967. Since the 1960s, developments in the area of family and estate succession laws in Singapore has taken a different path from that of the United Kingdom. At the same time, the English common law principles in the law of trust has by and large remained applicable in Singapore, with the exception of matters within the Administration of Muslim Laws Act.

sku: 9782208273004
Author: 吴碧山律师 Goh Peck San
Publication Date: 1/9/2022
Publisher: KHL Printing co. Pte Ltd

