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乐乐和佳佳搭地铁 Timmy & Tammy on the MRT
乐乐和佳佳参观消防局 Timmy & Tammy at the fire station
乐乐和佳佳去河川生态园 Timmy & Tammy at the River Safari
乐乐和佳佳去植物园 Timmy & Tammy at the Botanic Gardens
乐乐和佳佳去食阁 Timmy & Tammy at the food court
乐乐和佳佳去牛车水 Timmy & Tammy at the Chinatown
乐乐和佳佳去图书馆 Timmy & Tammy at the National Library
雪人遇到小公主 Little Princess
我的班上来了个外星人(拼音)There is an alien in my class
乐乐和佳佳搭新加坡摩天观景轮 Timmy and Tammy at the Singapore Flyer
乐乐和佳佳学做黄梨挞 Timmy & Tammy make pineapple tarts
我的守护熊2.真正的超级英雄 Bear With Me 2 – The Real Superhero
菲菲,你真棒!Murphy See How You Shine
米米和他的正义团队(拼音)Stop bullying now!