小屁孩日记.13 校园卷纸大战(拼音)

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Greg Heffley's school is holding a Valentine's Day dance, and it's turned his world upside down. It's everyone for themselves as they scramble to find a date for the big day, and Greg's determined NOT to be left partner-less. His best friend, Rowley , doesn't have any prospects either but that's a small consolation... To make matters worse, his Uncle Gary has moved in and is taking over the whole house. Will Greg be lucky in love and get his home back?

sku: 9787558327230
Author: (美)杰夫·金尼 Kinney, Jeff
Publication Date: 01/04/2021
Publisher: 新世纪出版社
Series: 小屁孩日记 (注音版) Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Age: 10-14 years

《小屁孩日记(注音版)》将生动活泼的中文翻译与清晰简明的汉语拼音相结合,让低年级的孩子也能够读懂、学习日记的内容和写作的方式,可谓是一套不错的小学生日记启蒙书。 格雷那位懒散的叔叔突如其来地来到了他们家借宿,让格雷一家苦不堪言。虽然格雷的叔叔惹出许多麻烦,但是他们却依然包容着对方。《小屁孩日记(13校园卷纸大战注音版)》将通过一个快乐大家庭的日常生活,让读者学会与他人友好相处,互相包容。 由于格雷对自己出生以前的事记得一清二楚,于是他对老不公平感到愤愤不平——老妈对弟弟曼尼的教养方法实在是太宽松了,格雷就从来没有这样的待遇。就算曼尼惹出各种麻烦,全家人还是百般迁就他。爱惹麻烦的弟弟还不止曼尼一个,老爸的弟弟盖瑞叔叔也经常给格雷一家带来麻烦……另一边厢,格雷的学校生活仍旧充满起起伏伏:体育课开始了交谊舞单元,格雷心仪的女生却没有选他……而这个学期轰动的事件莫过于学校洗手间的“卫生纸争夺战”了,格雷略施小计,给自己圈了一块领土,保住了自己的卫生纸。