欢喜过新年 Bizzy Bear: Chinese New Year

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Introducing Bizzy Bear, the busiest bear on the block! With chunky sliders to push and pull, these robust little board books are perfect for active toddlers. Rich in visual detail and with touches of humor, they are set to become firm favorites in the family library. Today, Bizzy Bear will bring everyone along to experience Chinese New Year. Come along as Bizzy Bear prepares for Chinese New Year, trying on new clothes, visiting relatives, having reunion dinner, and even experiencing a lion dance show!

sku: 9787521745795
Author: (英)本吉.戴维斯
Publication Date: 01/11/2022
Publisher: 中信出版社
Series: Bizzy Bear 小熊很忙系列.第6辑
Age: 0-3 years

《小熊很忙·欢喜过新年》是“小熊很忙”系列专为中国宝宝打造的传统节日主题!在本册中,小熊带着小朋友一起体验中国年啦。 过年啦!一起大草除,一起试穿新衣服,一起跟亲友拜年、吃团年饭,一起看舞龙表演等等,快来感受中国春节的热闹氛围吧! 拉一拉,烟花洒满天;推一推,舞龙开始啦;转一转,一起吃年饭……快来和小熊一起欢度中国年吧!

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