July Newsletter
New Arrivals !
✨ 0-3 years old
Have fun with these board books. Miffy board book has cut-out shapes for young ones to insert on every page, or play hide and seek in the 捉迷藏 series, or let your little ones have fun looking under the felt flaps in 亲亲小手翻翻书 series.
✨ 4-6 years old
Join Nini as she plants some garlic, or join the photographer Mr Bear as he sets out on a journey. Perhaps learn about discipline, or enter a world of fantasy with Shana and her friends.
✨ 7-9 years old
Keep reading, that's the way to improve your Chinese language. Here are some great selections!
✨ 10- 12 years old
If you like fantasy, check out this new series 怪物学校. If you prefer graphic novels, then check out 淘气包马小跳. And if you want to cultivate the habit of reading the news, then do not miss the latest editions of 我爱读报.
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