《召唤独角兽》故事会 Make a Wish for a Unicorn Interactive Storytelling

01/06/2023 《召唤独角兽》故事会 Make a Wish for a Unicorn Interactive Storytelling

 《召唤独角兽》故事会 Make a Wish for a Unicorn Interactive Storytelling

如果你遇到一只独角兽,你希望独角兽为你做些什么呢?在这个好玩的故事会里,小朋友们可以跟作者 Apple 一起召唤出一只独角兽,跟独角兽过一个充满惊喜的早晨!

What happens if you meet a Unicorn, what do you want the Unicorn to do? Together with author Apple, let's make a wish for a Unicorn and spend a morning filled with surprises!


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