Collection: Lee Kuan Yew Fund for Bilingualism


The establishment of the Lee Kuan Yew Fund for Bilingualism (the "Fund") was announced by Mr Lee Kuan Yew on 28 November 2011, at the launch of his new book, “My Lifelong Challenge: Singapore’s Bilingual Journey”. The Fund is set up as a Company Limited by Guarantee, with Charity and Institution of a Public Character status.

Apart from promoting bilingualism from a young age, the Fund also hopes to encourage the active use of bilingualism amongst youths. Equipping them with proficiency in both English and their Mother Tongue Languages not only prepares them for a globalised environment but also fortifies their connection to our rich Asian heritage.


李光耀双语基金是李光耀先生于2011年11月在他的新书《我一生的挑战:新加坡双语之路》发布会上 正式宣布成立的。
