02/06/2024 《你看见喜鹊了吗?》绘本亲子故事会 --《清明上河图》赏析

02/06/2024 《你看见喜鹊了吗?》绘本亲子故事会 --《清明上河图》赏析


"Have You Seen the Magpie?" takes a leap from the renowned Chinese masterpiece "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" to craft a picture book bursting with originality in every aspect - from its captivating content to its distinctive style and format. Joining the adventure is award-winning children's author, Dai Yun, who invites both young and seasoned readers on a journey through her creative process. Together, they'll delve into the world of Chinese classical art embedded within the tale, igniting lively conversations about the essence of happiness along the way.




时间:2pm - 2.45pm

地点:友谊书斋@#02-15 百胜楼


戴芸,儿童绘本作家,生于中国浙江,长于南京,现居新加坡。代表作有《你看见喜鹊了吗?》、《苏丹的犀角》、《北极熊搬家》、《溜达鸡》等。作品曾获中国国家图书馆“小金狮杯”原创图画书年度排行榜Top 5, 深圳读书月“年度十大童书”、大鹏自然童书奖,第七届和第十届“中国童书榜”最佳童书,第十五届国家文津图书奖推荐图书,《新京报》年度阅读推荐以及第七届“丰子恺儿童图画书奖”首奖等重要奖项。


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