《当披着羊皮的狼遇见披着狼皮的羊》故事会 Storytelling, Drawing, & Meet-the-Author Session

03/06/2023 《当披着羊皮的狼遇见披着狼皮的羊》故事会 Storytelling, Drawing, & Meet-the-Author Session

《当披着羊皮的狼遇见披着狼皮的羊》故事会 Storytelling, Drawing, & Meet-the-Author Session

Meet & greet author/illustrator Josef Lee and find out what happens in the story when a wolf in sheep's skin meets a sheep in wolf's skin! Then have fun drawing yourself in an animal skin, and perhaps ask Josef to autograph your book!


让新加坡绘本作家 李文良 Josef Lee 亲自告诉你吧!听完故事,小朋友可以学画一张披着狼皮或羊皮的自己哦,还可以请作者李文良签名和拍照哦!


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