文佩老师华文漫画营 Chinese Doodling Camp

18/03/2023 文佩老师华文漫画营 Chinese Doodling Camp

文佩老师华文漫画营 Chinese Doodling Camp

【文佩老师华文漫画营 Chinese Doodling Camp】 is BACK AGAIN!

If you missed the sold out sessions last year, now's your opportunity to sign up! If you have joined the sessions last year, this new session has a new content!

So join us for a fun-filled 2 hours - picture word games, creating your comics, and group doodling! 文佩老师 will also draw a comic portrait for every child! Limited seats so sign up fast!

亲临现场的小朋友将得到一张林老师亲自为你画的漫画人像! 现在就赶快报名参加吧!


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