分享嘉宾:”怕输先生“ 刘夏宗
地点:友谊书斋 @ #02-15 百胜楼
欢迎参加新书发布会,近距离欣赏漫画家高谭的精彩原稿,亲眼见证《女侠红头巾索命飞头鬼》背后的创作历程。特邀嘉宾"怕输先生"刘夏宗先生将现场分享创作过程中的趣事与灵感来源,为您揭开这部作品的幕后故事。此外,您还可以以优惠价购买作者亲笔签名的书本! 期待您的光临,和我们一起探讨这部充满冒险与英雄气概的漫画作品!
We invite you to come for the book launch of the comics Samsui Sword Vol. 2《女侠红头巾之索命飞头鬼》authored by local comic artist Gotham. There will be a showcase of his various hand-drawn art at Maha Yuyi bookstore. Early birds will get the opportunity to purchase the limited edition signed copies of the comics for a special price!