儿童逆商培养和挫折教育绘本 (全8册)(拼音)

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This series of book starts with eight themes, each from eight perspectives, selected from small stories that happen in children's daily life, small frustrations that children encounter and so on. The books use vivid and interesting illustrations to sort out a series of problems that children may face in various situations. The book provides the right guidance for children who want something and choose to cry, who make mistakes and are afraid of criticism, who are overly competitive and fearful, who are overly dependent on their parents, who are afraid of rejection, and who are afraid to answer questions.

sku: 9787230015387
Author: 杨平
Publication Date: 01/07/2021
Publisher: 延边大学出版社
Series: 儿童逆商培养和挫折教育绘本
Age: 7-9 years

“儿童逆商培养和挫折教育系列绘本”从八大主题展开,分别从八个角度切入,选取的都是发生在孩子日常生活中的小故事,孩子们遇到的小挫折之类的。图书采用生动有趣的图文形式,梳理了孩子在各种情形下可能面临的一系列问题。对孩子在想要一件东西选择哭泣、犯了错误害怕批评、好胜心过强 恐惧、过分依赖父母、担心被拒绝、害怕回答问题进行正确引导。

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