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小屁孩日记.14 少年格雷的烦恼(拼音)

小屁孩日记.14 少年格雷的烦恼(拼音)

(美)杰夫·金尼 Kinney, Jeff

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Greg Heffley's school is holding a Valentine's Day dance, and it's turned his world upside down. It's everyone for themselves as they scramble to find a date for the big day, and Greg's determined NOT to be left partner-less. His best friend, Rowley , doesn't have any prospects either but that's a small consolation... To make matters worse, his Uncle Gary has moved in and is taking over the whole house. Will Greg be lucky in love and get his home back?

sku: 9787558327261
Author: (美)杰夫·金尼 Kinney, Jeff
Publication Date: 01/04/2021
Publisher: 新世纪出版社
Series: 小屁孩日记 (注音版) Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Age: 10-14 years

《小屁孩日记(注音版)》将生动活泼的中文翻译与清晰简明的汉语拼音相结合,让低年级的孩子也能够读懂、学习日记的内容和写作的方式,可谓是一套极佳的小学生日记启蒙书。 你的孩子是否害羞腼腆,怯于与人交流?如何让孩子在公众场合中战胜胆怯,结识新朋友?《小屁孩日记(注音版第三辑)14:少年格雷的烦恼》通过一场欢乐的年级舞会,让孩子们敞开心扉结识朋友,收获真情与快乐。 本书中,格雷为年级舞会选女伴的事情绞尽脑汁,他正在为该计划做着详细的安排时,学校出现了让大家都颇感危机的“扒裤狂人”……校长为此事大动肝火,可更加不幸的是校长也成为了“扒裤狂人”的祸害对象,舞会伴侣男女生的关系非常地微妙,挑选对象越来越棘手,舞蹈委员会也在想办法商量对策……住在格雷家的盖瑞叔叔总是给格雷一些自认为很高明的舞会建议,不过效果总会出其不意的打折扣……眼看舞会的日子就快到来了,罗利发生了一些意外,这个意外给格雷带来了不小的惊喜……
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