09/09/2022 《找到了》Storytelling cum Art Session (2...
你对街戏戏台了解多少呢?传统戏曲,是华族文化中的一块瑰宝;本地街戏,更是本地华族社群的一个文化空间。这个假期,带你的孩子来听作者兼绘者黄淑萍讲故事,通过两个小孩的历险,认识戏台。听完故事,小朋友们还可以着手设计自己的戏台! How much do you know about Chinese Street opera?Come join us for a Chinese storytelling session by author/illustrator Sock Peng as she tells the adventure of 2 children at...
09/09/2022 《找到了》Storytelling cum Art Session (2...
你对街戏戏台了解多少呢?传统戏曲,是华族文化中的一块瑰宝;本地街戏,更是本地华族社群的一个文化空间。这个假期,带你的孩子来听作者兼绘者黄淑萍讲故事,通过两个小孩的历险,认识戏台。听完故事,小朋友们还可以着手设计自己的戏台! How much do you know about Chinese Street opera?Come join us for a Chinese storytelling session by author/illustrator Sock Peng as she tells the adventure of 2 children at...
07/09/2022 Holiday Programmes 儿童假期活动:月亮狂想曲-儿童阅读游戏课
Can you play and learn Chinese? YES!Kids love to play! You can now get your kids excited with Chinese by playing board games! This holiday, we have invited 2 master...
07/09/2022 Holiday Programmes 儿童假期活动:月亮狂想曲-儿童阅读游戏课
Can you play and learn Chinese? YES!Kids love to play! You can now get your kids excited with Chinese by playing board games! This holiday, we have invited 2 master...
06/09/2022 Holiday Programmes 儿童假期活动:呱呱派对-儿童阅读游戏课
Can you play and learn Chinese? YES!Kids love to play! You can now get your kids excited with Chinese by playing board games! This holiday, we have invited 2 master...
06/09/2022 Holiday Programmes 儿童假期活动:呱呱派对-儿童阅读游戏课
Can you play and learn Chinese? YES!Kids love to play! You can now get your kids excited with Chinese by playing board games! This holiday, we have invited 2 master...
03/09/2022 《找到了》Storytelling cum Art Session
你对街戏戏台了解多少呢?传统戏曲,是华族文化中的一块瑰宝;本地街戏,更是本地华族社群的一个文化空间。这个假期,带你的孩子来听作者兼绘者黄淑萍讲故事,通过两个小孩的历险,认识戏台。听完故事,小朋友们还可以着手设计自己的戏台! How much do you know about Chinese Street opera?Come join us for a Chinese storytelling session by author/illustrator Sock Peng as she tells the adventure of 2 children at...
03/09/2022 《找到了》Storytelling cum Art Session
你对街戏戏台了解多少呢?传统戏曲,是华族文化中的一块瑰宝;本地街戏,更是本地华族社群的一个文化空间。这个假期,带你的孩子来听作者兼绘者黄淑萍讲故事,通过两个小孩的历险,认识戏台。听完故事,小朋友们还可以着手设计自己的戏台! How much do you know about Chinese Street opera?Come join us for a Chinese storytelling session by author/illustrator Sock Peng as she tells the adventure of 2 children at...
16/04/2022 分享会:让你"绘"心一笑的下午茶
邀请你在绘本中听到自己内心深处的声音。让绘本带着成年的你我, 走入孩子的童话世界, 让我们与自己的童年再次重逢! 主办:友谊书斋联办:行知文教中心
16/04/2022 分享会:让你"绘"心一笑的下午茶
邀请你在绘本中听到自己内心深处的声音。让绘本带着成年的你我, 走入孩子的童话世界, 让我们与自己的童年再次重逢! 主办:友谊书斋联办:行知文教中心