七色龙汉语分级阅读.第二级.身体(全5册)(拼音) Rainbow Dragon Graded Chinese Readers Level 2: Parts of Body

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Developed by the FLTRP International Chinese Publishing Center, Rainbow Dragon is a comprehensive series of Chinese teaching and learning resources based on the concepts of module teaching and blended learning. Suitable for K-6 Chinese language learners in both local and international schools, Rainbow Dragon is designed as a one-stop Chinese language learning solution.

sku: 9787521314083
Author: 戴凯棋、许燕华、冯毅、李慧敏
Publication Date: 1/12/2019
Publisher: 外语教学与研究出版社
Series: 七色龙汉语分级阅读.第二级.身体
Age: 7-9 years

七色龙汉语分级阅读系列是由外研社国际汉语出版中心基于模块化教学理念、混合式学习方式,策划开发的面向海外主流中小学及国际学校K-6阶段的立体化汉语教学资源,致力于为K-6阶段的汉语学习者提供一站式汉语学习解决方案。 《七色龙汉语分级阅读第二级:身体》共包含《爸爸不见了!》《真香啊!》《哪里不舒服?》《堆雪人》《盒子里是什么?》5个分册。图书提供免费游戏APP等丰富的配套教学资源。