英国尤斯伯恩出版公司 USBORNE
Little ones will love bringing the farmyard to life with this adorable sound book. Press the pages and hear hens clucking, cows mooing and much more, and pore over colourful scenes include a sheepdog rounding up sheep, a piglet playing in the mud and ducks splashing in the pond. With simple text, holes to peep through and fingertrails to explore.
sku: 9787544857796
Author: 英国尤斯伯恩出版公司 USBORNE
Publication Date: 1/1/2019
Publisher: 接力出版社
Series: 尤斯伯恩 奇妙发声书
Age: 0-3 years
《奇妙发声书•农场里边谁在吵》中有10个发声按钮,轻轻一按,逼真的音效环绕耳边,带来身临其境般的体验,激发宝宝的好奇心与探索欲。让宝宝通过倾听声音辨识动物,通过模仿声音促进语言能力的发展。书中色彩亮丽、情景有趣,配有简短的拟声词,每个拟声词下方还有发声器,宝宝可以用小手指去触碰发声器,悦耳动听的声音会让孩子对阅读产生浓厚的兴趣;形状各异的洞洞,让宝宝在一抠一戳中锻炼手眼协调能力,满足好奇心。 公鸡早起,“喔喔喔”;小猪打滚儿,“哼哼哼”;小羊说话,“咩咩咩”;鸭子游泳,“嘎嘎嘎”……让宝宝在好听的声音里,认知农场里的各种动物和它们的叫声。