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动物朋友快出来 Slider Sound Books Roarr!

动物朋友快出来 Slider Sound Books Roarr!


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Each time you move one of the sliders in this unique novelty book, a jungle animal springs into view and makes a fun sound. But there's more! Move the same slider back again, and you'll see and hear a completely different animal. Babies and toddlers will love moving the sliders back and forth to enjoy all the jungle animals in this delightfully illustrated book - the first in an exciting new series.

sku: 9787544881548
Author: (英)英国尤斯伯恩出版公司
Publication Date: 01/08/2023
Publisher: 接力出版社
Series: 尤斯伯恩 奇妙推拉发声书
Age: 0-3 years

森林里的动物们在哪里?推一推,原来熊宝宝躲在大树后面;拉一拉,我看到小猴子们跳到了树上! 本书置身森林,带孩子们沉浸式观察老虎、狼、犀牛、猴子、鹦鹉等特色鲜明的动物形象,通过推拉神奇的洞洞可以变换出不同的画面,边活动小手,边竖起耳朵,认知森林里动物们的叫声和习性。 全书贯穿生动且醒目的拟声词,将色彩鲜艳的画面与鲜活动感的声音结合,充分锻炼孩子的视觉、听觉和触觉。家长可以在欢乐的表演和模仿中,陪伴孩子度过亲密的阅读时光。

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