9789810961596 小牛油
Lil' Butter | Singapore Chinese Books

小牛油 Lil' Butter

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sku: 9789810961596
Author: 李昀谦、陈欣育 Lee Yun Qian, Tang Sheen Yit
Publication Date: 1/1/2015
Publisher: 南大-新加坡华文教研中心出版社 NTU-SCCL Press
Series: 《互动彩虹桥》分级读本系列 “Rainbow Bridge” Interactive Graded Picture Book Series

小牛油、糖果与巧克力本是朋友,但巧克力又常常吓唬小牛油和糖果。为了给巧克力一个教训,小牛油指示蚂蚁去吃他。三个小伙伴如何能重归于好呢? Lil' Butter, Candy and Chocolate were friends, but Chocolate often teased the other two. Lil' Butter, in order to teach Chocolate a lesson, told ants to eat Chocolate. How can the three kids rekindle their friendship?