9789810961701 怪鸟笨笨与神奇种子
Benny and the Magic Seed | Singapore Chinese Books

怪鸟笨笨与神奇种子 Benny and the Magic Seed

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sku: 9789810961701
Author: 贾沛颐、贾立明 Jia Peiyi, Jia Liming
Publication Date: 1/1/2015
Publisher: 南大-新加坡华文教研中心出版社 NTU-SCCL Press
Series: 《互动彩虹桥》分级读本系列 “Rainbow Bridge” Interactive Graded Picture Book Series

从前有只小鸟叫笨笨,误吞了一颗奇怪的种子。这颗神奇种子会带给笨笨怎样的变化呢?我只能告诉你,这是一段奇妙的经历。 Once upon a time, there was a strange bird called Benny. One day, he swallowed a magic seed by accident. What happened to Benny? Let me tell you, he had a fantastic experience.