乐中学《小竹笛文化分级读物》 (全5册 :中秋节,筷子,十二生肖,你好,汤圆 )
乐中学《小竹笛文化分级读物》 (全5册 :中秋节,筷子,十二生肖,你好,汤圆 )
熊华丽 Xiong huali
乐中学《小竹笛文化分级读物》是一套精心为儿童编写的中华文化图画书系列。中华文化博大精深,内容丰富多彩。本系列以简单易懂的文字和生动的绘图,把中华文化传递给孩子们。文化是一股清泉,滋润孩子们幼小的心灵;文化是一曲笛声,引领孩子们了解语言的美妙。与孩子们一起阅读这套图书,感受学习中文的快乐! 本系列共3级别。第一级共有5本图书,适合幼儿阅读。第二和第三级将于2020年出版。
sku: 9789814861816SET
Author: 熊华丽 Xiong huali
Publication Date: 1/8/2019
Publisher: 名创教育
Series: 乐中学《小竹笛文化分级读物》(第一级)Learning Chinese With FunBamboo Flute Graded Readers. Level 1
Age: 4-6 years
The LCWF Bamboo Flute Graded Readers series focuses on introducing the rich, unique and diverse Chinese culture to its readers. As young children read these engaging stories, they will learn some of the most iconic Chinese festivals, food, customs and traditions. Suitable for both native and non-native Chinese learners, the text in this series are written in a simple manner for young preschoolers. The illustrations are also designed in a variety of styles to pique children’s interest in reading. This graded series is available in 3 levels – and Level 1 consists of 5 titles which are suitable for young readers new to reading. Levels 2 and 3 will be published in 2020.